Summer Session

University Apartments will be available for students at least 18 years old that are enrolled in UCSB Summer Session classes or the International Student Summer Programs through UCSB Extension. Summer housing is offered in El Dorado, Santa Ynez, and Westgate Apartments.

Important Dates

  • March 31 | Housing Application Opens

    The summer housing application opens on March 31 at 10 a.m. If you don't receive a confirmation email from us within a few minutes of submitting your application, check your spam folder. Please check your U-Mail account directly and frequently so that you don't miss any important messages from UCSB. It may not be reliable to forward your U-Mail to an alternate email (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)

  • Mid-May | Contract Offers Sent

    We will send the first round of contract offers by mid-May. Contract offers are based on the dates for Summer Session A and/or B.

  • May 31 | Deadline to Cancel without a Fee

    There is no fee to cancel before June 1, but a $350 fee to cancel on or after June 1 with approval from University & Community Housing Services.

  • June | Housing Assignments Sent

    Housing assignments for Summer Session A will be sent shortly before June move-in.

  • Late July | Housing Assignments Sent

    Housing assignments for Summer Session B will be sent shortly before August move-in.

Summer Housing Rates

2025 summer housing rates for El Dorado, Santa Ynez, and Westgate Apartments. Subject to change. There is also a $10 non-refundable activity fee.

Room Type

Session A (6/22-8/2)

Session B (8/3-9/13) Session A & B (6/22-9/13)
2-Bedroom Triple Occupancy (3 people per bedroom) $1117 $1120 $2263
1-Bedroom Triple Occupancy (3 people per bedroom) $1152 $1154 $2333
2-Bedroom Double Occupancy (2 people per bedroom) $1271 $1274 $2576
3-Bedroom Double Occupancy (2 people per bedroom) $1271 $1274 $2576
1-Bedroom Double Occupancy (2 people per bedroom) $1354 $1357 $2744
Studio Single Occupancy $2038 $2042 $4129

Information & Resources

For information about the Freshman Summer Start Program or Transfer Edge, please visit the Summer Sessions website.*

*Effective July 1, the fee for canceling an FSSP or TE housing contract is $100. If you have any questions about your FSSP/TE housing contract, please contact The information in the timeline above applies to regular Summer Session housing, not FSSP or TE. 

No frills June Temporary Housing is available to all UCSB students seeking to bridge the period of time between the end of residence hall or apartment contracts and the start of summer housing. 

UC Santa Barbara requires renters insurance for all residents of campus housing. Renters insurance provides valuable protection if your personal belongings are stolen or damaged, including laptop computers, smartphones, bicycles, game consoles, textbooks, clothing, and other personal items. If your laptop or other valuables are stolen or damaged, you are responsible for replacing them - not the school. Renter’s insurance may also protect you financially for unintentional damage to the apartment and/ or bodily injury for which you are liable. The GradGuard insurance policy was designed for University of California students. Alternatively, you can check with your private homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy about coverage. If you don't have your housing assignment when you sign up, please use the following address:

University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93107

If you are interested in privately-owned apartments in the community, please visit our Community Housing Services page. 

No frills September Temporary Housing is available to UCSB students seeking permanent local housing or while they wait for their fall housing to begin. 

Residential Dining offers four meal plan options for both Summer Sessions A and B. Summer Meal Plan holders can eat at Carrillo, De La Guerra, and Portola Dining Commons.

If you have questions about the online application process, please contact University & Community Housing Services at 805-893-4371 or email your questions to Please visit our Billing page for help navigating the payment process.



To inquire about gender-inclusive housing options available for students that identify as trans* or non-binary, please contact University & Community Housing Services at