Mission Statement
Housing, Dining & Auxiliary Enterprises' Student Conduct Team is dedicated to supporting the mission and priorities of the University of California, Santa Barbara by seeking to provide a student-centered experience when upholding community standards and university policies.
The Student Conduct team aims to empower students in the following ways:
- Increase student awareness on rights and responsibilities with regard to UCSB Campus Regulations
- Engage in conversations about personal responsibility and development, community, and how individual decisions affect these objectives
- Adjudicate violations of policy in a fair and consistent manner, treating each student with dignity and respect
The Purpose of Student Conduct
UCSB has both the right and an obligation to set reasonable standards of conduct for students who voluntarily choose to become members of the university community. The university assumes a right, and accepts the responsibility to establish a system of judicial and disciplinary procedures for use when community members violate university policy. In turn, the university recognizes the need to ensure that community members have the right to fair and equitable procedures when charged with a violation of university policy.
How We Differ from the Legal Court System
Criminal courts most often seek to punish or deter unlawful behavior. Conduct meetings at UCSB intend to be educational and impress responsibility upon individuals or, in the most severe cases, remove those who should not remain in the community.
Student Conduct Staff
The Student Conduct staff are responsible for the administration of the residential conduct process at UCSB and advise the live-in professional staff on all disciplinary issues that occur within University Housing. Additionally the Student Conduct staff are responsible for the training and selection of Hearing Officers alongside the Peer Review Board, and are instrumental in managing the Restorative Justice program within University Housing. They can be contacted at the Residential & Community Living office located between the College of Creative Studies and the Santa Rosa Residence Hall.
Residential & Community Living
TB 335 UCen Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Office: 805-893-3281
Fax: 805-893-4790
Yasmin Quigley
Director, Student Conduct and Behavioral Interventions
Oscar Ramirez
Conduct Officer
Jonathan Johnson
Conduct Officer
Havalin Nyivih
Conduct Officer